Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Las Ballenas

Today I began my whale adventure in Puerto Lopez, Ecuador.

I could not have dreamed of anything more perfect. I received my general assignments from the humpback whale biologist Cristina: whale watch as many days per week as humanely possible, photograph as many whale tails as humanely possible, occasionally teach an environmental ed program about whales  in the local schools, and photo-identify whales by referencing the pictures I take to binders of pictures taken over the past 14 years.

Cristina and I went out on a whale watching tour boat this afternoon so she could train me how to take the photos, what information I need to record, where to position myself on the boat, etc. We saw some macho humbacks who seemed to be battling for a female. We saw from afar a phenomenal and energetic tail slapping show. We saw the giant girth of their backsides as they came up to breath nearby. And just as we turned to head back to land our boat floated over a trail of recent bubbles rising up from the depths-- a whale had just passed under us.

I can't believe this is going to be my job for a month. I am still in shock, overwhelmed with happiness--let me tell you more later.

1 comment:

  1. I am soo excited and kinda jealous! I need to beef up on my Spanish asap. At least in Chicago, it has a large Hispanic/Spanish population and I can find opportunities to immerse myself!
